
What to Do with Your Pets When the House Cleaners Arrive

What to Do with Your Pets When the House Cleaners Arrive


For most people with pets, their dogs, cats, and other animals are essentially members of their family.

But when the cleaning crew arrives, some pets can get very excited. In some cases, they can even get protective of your home. That’s when problems can occur.

While our professional cleaners are accustomed to dealing with pets of all types and sizes, if your pet is preventing our crews from doing their jobs we will gently request that you take steps to control them until we are finished.

Please don’t be offended. We are simply seeking to keep everybody safe.

  Securing Your Pets

What do you need to do with your pets? It depends on who they are, their personality, and how they interact around strangers.

Cats, for the most part, aren’t much of a problem. When strangers arrive, most cats will naturally seek the security of a hiding space, such as behind a couch or beneath a bed and will stay there until they leave.

Similarly, some small dogs are also fine with people coming into the home. Some will prefer to stay in your lap or in their dog bed as we clean your home.

House Cleaning Boca Raton — Large Dogs

Some well-trained large dogs will also stay out of the way, especially older dogs.

But younger dogs, excitable dogs, or dogs that have a natural protective instinct should be kept secure in a fenced-in yard, locked in a garage, or in a bedroom that you don’t want us to clean.

Keeping your pets safe as we clean your home helps protect your pets, our cleaners, and you. We love animals as much as you do. Many of our professional cleaners have dogs and cats at Home as well. So they understand how much they are a part of your family.

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