If you are a pet owner, you probably love your dog, cat or other domestic animals. But it’s hard to love the cat or dog hair that can be left behind on your furniture, floors, and other surfaces.
Sometimes it can seem as if your pets never stop shedding. And their hair can get everywhere, even places you wouldn’t expect. But removing pet hair doesn’t have to be a full-time job, especially when you use these helpful tips from our professional house cleaners at Calvaho’s Cleaning.
Cat Hair Tips
When humidity is low, pet hair tends to cling more stubbornly to furniture and other surfaces. That’s because of static electricity.
Remove pet hair from fabric or upholstered furniture with a dampened rubber glove by running your hand over the surfaces. The pet hair will instantly jump from your furniture to the dampened rubber glove due to the tiny electrical attraction. Then all you need to do is rinse your gloves under running water to remove the pet hair.
A sheet of fabric softener spritzed with water will have the same effect.
For wood furniture, use a soft cloth and furniture polish. Or spray a dry rag with an anti-static product for making clothing cling- and static-free. Not only will the spray remove the pet hair, but it also will make it less likely that hair will re-stick.
House Cleaning Fort Lauderdale — Dog Hair Tips
Removing dog and cat hairs can be challenging. Try vacuuming your carpet, the going over the worst areas twice in alternate directions to remove stubborn hairs embedded in your rugs and carpets.
For hardwood floors, use a microfiber dry mop rather than a vacuum cleaner, which can actually blow hairs around and up onto your furniture rather than sucking them up.
To keep pet hair off your clothes, keep an inexpensive lint roller by your front door and give yourself a wipe just before heading out.